Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day

Hope everyone had a fun, relaxing and safe Labor Day weekend!

Just a reminder we're still collecting hand made cards to send to the troops in Afghanistan.  Our "card drive" has been extended to the end of September. The soldiers request the cards we make so they can send them to their families here back home.  Many of them are stationed in areas where it is very difficult to purchase daily use items, including greeting cards.  The types of cards most requested by the troops are:

  • Cards for children (many of our troops are parents)
  • Holiday cards
  • Thinking of you
  • Love you/miss you
Bloomin' Scrapbooks will supply envelopes for those cards made standard A2 size, approximately 4-1/4" x 5-1/2" (i.e. the size of card you get if you use half of an 8-1/2" by 11" sheet of paper.)  Please remember, no glitter or Stickles can be used on the cards.  Glitter is detected by enemy survelliance equipment. Even a small amount of glitter that finds itself on a soldier's uniform can literally put his or her life in danger.
"Whoo Loves You"
To create the owl: Punch large oval for body.  Punch three heart shapes,
use two upside down for ears and bottom of one for beak.
For feet, punch two small petaled flowers then cut in half. 
Use buttons for eyes.  So simple!
We've got a few cards to show you.  For both stampers and scrappers, this is a great way to use those scraps you may have laying around as well as an opportunity to try out new techniques.  And if you'd like, take a photo of the cards you make then email them to us here. We'd love to feature your creations on the Bloomin' Blog!